Friday, July 30, 2010


Not sure where to even begin to describe Yosemite. Pictures don't come close to doing this place justice. Beautiful. (And, once again, a lot of my photos are on my other camera, which I will have to upload once we get home.)


Best hike we took! Only us, and another couple were out on these cliffs. This "fence" behind us was the only spot with any barrier. I was a little nervous.

Yes, I am holding on to him for dear life.

I couldn't count the amount of times I pleaded with him to stop getting so close to the edge. This was at a time he was somewhat not scaring me, but it drops off very close to his right.

Spot of our picnic today.


  1. WOW!!!!!!! These pictures are amazing -- and I'm sure as you have commented, the pictures don't come close to showing the real beauty you see first hand. Have fun and stay safe! :)

  2. GORGEOUS! Love them all! The picture of the road going through the tree is so cool.
